topDNS Best Practice Series: Recognising good practice in the DNS – towards positive, data-driven policy discussions

The DNS Reasearch Foundation & eco’s topDNS Initiative

invite you to the fourth in a series of topDNS best practice webinars to showcase what the domain name industry is doing to fight DNS abuse.

Debates over definitions of DNS abuse have dominated policy and industry discussions in recent years, but what are the rates of abuse and how do they compare across global TLDs? Is there a correlation between the documented data quality practices of the EU ccTLDs and abuse rates? What about shifting the focus to articulating and recognising best practices and increasing trust in the DNS ecosystem through market-based solutions?

The DNS Research Federation will present the results of a recent study measuring correlations between abuse rates and data practices in EU ccTLDs using numerous data sources in the DAP.LIVE system. The DNSRF will also present its ideas for recognising and rewarding provenance, trust and authenticity in the domain name environment.




17:00 - 18:00


Online (eco Webinar)