2024 DNS Abuse Workshop @ Nordic Domain Days
eco’s topDNS Initiative & iQ Global invite you to the third DNS Abuse Workshop at Nordic Domain Days 2024 in Stockholm!
2024 will be a turning point in the discussion about DNS abuse and online harms. In April, the contract amendments requested by domain name registries and registrars with contractual relationships with ICANN to increase the level of abuse mitigation will come into effect. By October, Article 28 of the NIS2 Directive will be the first piece of legislation to include the term „DNS abuse“. In the context of this workshop, the definition of „DNS abuse“ will be based on the „DNS Abuse Framework“ and will include malware, botnets, phishing, pharming, and spam when it is used as a delivery mechanism for the other four forms of abuse.
Malware, botnets, phishing, pharming, and spam remain a significant challenge in the online ecosystem, posing threats to cybersecurity, user trust, and the stability of the Internet. Hosting providers play a crucial role in mitigating abuse when it comes to compromised websites and services that may be involved in malicious activities.
Beyond the „Famous Five“ abuse trends mentioned above, a wide range of threats are gaining momentum. We invite all Nordic Domain Days attendees to join the workshop to discuss how all relevant stakeholders up and down the stack can work more closely together to reduce the uptime of maliciously registered domain names and compromised websites to protect users, customers, and clients.
The aim of the session is to create a mutual understanding of how different types of abuse are dealt with by different types of intermediaries and service providers, the challenges associated with certain types of abuse, and how closer cooperation can help to combat online harm more effectively, especially content-related issues.
What are the opportunities and low-hanging fruits, both in terms of policy and technology?
What is needed to mitigate harms more efficiently by individual companies?
What is needed to mitigate harms cooperatively?
What format of policy discussion is needed for online harms?
What technical platforms / solutions are needed to improve collaboration?
On Tuesday, 14 May in Stockholm, the topDNS initiative of eco – Association of the Internet Industry and iQ Global would like to take the opportunity to bring together domain name registries and registrars with hosting service providers and ISPs.
If you don’t have the opportunity to attend the workshop in person, please click the button below to register for free to participate in the workshop remotely.

Emil Stahl Pedersen
Cyber Security Specialist

Keith Drazek
VP of Policy & Government Relations

Chris Lewis-Evans
Director of Governmental Engagement and Internet Abuse Mitigation

Rowena Schoo
Director of Programs and Policy
DNS Abuse Institute

Pinky Brand

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